The EPF has recognized a lot of rules and regulations that just don’t make sense. Part of the reason is because when
lifting equipment changes and training methods improve, no one updated the rules to accommodate safety and
intelligence. The EPF has taken a close look at these rules and without jeopardise the safety of the lifter, we’ve
eliminated the few that just don’t make sense for the lilting styles of today .. We also felt the need to eradicate rules
that have nothing to do with aiding the lift. I assure you it has all been done for the good of the sport & the safety of the
lifter. I hope you enjoy the EPF and help us continue to be open to change.
lifting equipment changes and training methods improve, no one updated the rules to accommodate safety and
intelligence. The EPF has taken a close look at these rules and without jeopardise the safety of the lifter, we’ve
eliminated the few that just don’t make sense for the lilting styles of today .. We also felt the need to eradicate rules
that have nothing to do with aiding the lift. I assure you it has all been done for the good of the sport & the safety of the
lifter. I hope you enjoy the EPF and help us continue to be open to change.

MEN’S DIVISIONS: OPEN,114.5, 123.25, 132.25, 148.75, 165.25, 181.75, 198.25, 220.25, 242.5, 275.5, 308.5, SUPERS.
TEEN MEN (13 – 15) TEEN MEN (16-17) TEEN MEN (18-19) JUNIOR MEN. (20-23)
MENS SUBMASTER: (33 – 39 ) MENS MASTER: (40-44) (45-49) (50-54) (55-59) (60-64 ) (65-69 ) (70 PLUS )
WOMEN’S DIVISIONS: OPEN: 97, 105, 114.5, 123.25, 132.25, 148.75, 165.25, 181.75, 198.25, Unl.
WOMEN’S SUBMASTER: (33-39) WOMEN’S MASTER: (40-44) (45-49) (50-54) (55-59) (60 +)
Our Raw rules are the same except you cannot wear any supporting gear such as super suits, bench press shirts,
squat/deadlift suits, elbo supports, powerlifting briefs of any kind.
Belts, Wrist/knee wraps are acceptable as long as they meet our specifications
squat/deadlift suits, elbo supports, powerlifting briefs of any kind.
Belts, Wrist/knee wraps are acceptable as long as they meet our specifications